Our 2024 opening session focusses on mental wellbeing. We discuss the critical issues rail workers face in these uncertain times. Life post-covid seems to be relentless. The cost-of living-crisis has taken hold, and we’re constantly facing challenges at work, whether that be budgets, safety or job security. Our discussion focuses on strategies to foster mental resilience, provide robust support systems, and create a healthier work environment.
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Mental health and relationships
Fact: men live shorter, less healthy, and less happy lives than women. Serious subject! Yet humour can help. So, join award-winning comedian, John Ryan, as he talks male mental health and relationships.
Supporting the mental health of railway workers
Learn how to engage with a colleague who may not recognise they’re having difficulties. The session also covers Trauma Risk Management, which can help us to support our colleagues after a traumatic event, and Sustaining Resilience at Work, a way of gauging where a colleague is with their mental health.
How the modern world is changing children
Gain insight on how the rapid changes in today's world are influencing children's brains. As technology advances and urbanisation intensifies, children face both unique opportunities and significant challenges. This session will delve into how these factors impact cognitive functions, behaviour, and emotional wellbeing. Prof. Sam Wass discusses how modern technology can affect children’s brains and what parents and carers can do to support children’s attention in the age of constant digital distraction.