Arthritic knees can be a debilitating condition, affecting lives at home and at work. Step in Össur, who’s here to take us through a non-surgical and clinically validated pain-relieving brace.
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Living with pain: from fighting to flourishing
Vidyamala Burch has suffered with chronic pain for over 30 years due to congenital weakness, a car accident and unsuccessful surgery. She is now a wheelchair user. In this positive and reassuring talk, she identifies that it is our resistance to pain which causes it to be so distressing and miserable. She shares easy-to follow breathing techniques and powerful mindfulness meditations teach you how to live in the present moment.
Wellbeing Hero Award 2023
Day in, day out, come rain or shine the rail industry transports passengers and goods across the UK. This is certainly no small feat and whatever part you play in this mammoth task, your contribution is vital! There are however those among us who continually go above and beyond to support others and champion health and wellbeing in the rail industry. Those we can truly call … heroes. So without further ado, it’s time for us to find out who this year’s Wellbeing Hero is.
Running into the new year
Harry Morgan, host of Podcast and YouTube channel JOG ON, discusses how to start running if you never run before. He suggests popular running plans, and will share what happens to our body and brain during a run. We also cover the long term mental benefits of exercise and running too. We help you in your journey no matter what stage you’re at.